Psalm 147:5
“Great is our Lord, and abundant in power; his understanding is beyond measure.”
Someone once described to me the difference between apprehending and comprehending as hugging a tree. To comprehend is to wrap my arms entirely around the tree. To apprehend is to wrap my arms around at least part of the tree (though not all the way around). When it comes to God, there is much that we can apprehend, but arguably nothing we can comprehend. We can know much about God, but there is also much about Him in His divine nature that is simply beyond us. This week, I want to delight in the incomprehensibility of God.
Let us begin this morning with considering the incomprehensibility of the knowledge of God. God does not just know more than us, as though you might posses 1-2% of all knowledge but God possesses 100% of all knowledge. God also knows differently than us. When you observe a red rose, you might be able to observe its height, its fragrance, and its color. You might be able to look under a microscope and observe its physical qualities on a tiny level. God not only knows every microscopic physical element of the rose; He knows its exact beginning and its end. He knows it purpose. He knows the role that one particular role will play in all of history as someone gazes upon that one rose to reflect upon its nature, as the rose dies, decomposes, then is used to care for and nourish creation to come. He knows everything about every aspect of the rose and its place in eternity.
Think – that is just a rose! God knows everything in every way about everything! Every leaf – how many are there?! Every blade of grass. Every person. You.
Be amazed today at the knowledge of God. He is not just like an incredibly smart person. He is God almighty and there is none like Him.
In Christ,
Pastor Yonkman