John 16:7
“Nevertheless, I tell you the truth: it is to your advantage that I go away, for if I do not go away, the Helper will not come to you. But if I go, I will send him to you.”
Christian, does Jesus care for you? What a ridiculous question – of course He does! He has suffered and died for you!
Christian, does Jesus desire to give you good gifts? Of course He does! Here is one of the greatest gifts that Jesus has given to you: He ascended into heaven!
You might not think that is such a great gift. You might prefer for Jesus to be here, physically, upon the earth. However, Christian, when Jesus ascended into heaven He sent to you His Holy Spirit. You have God with you always! The Holy Spirit guides you in truth, in wisdom, in godliness always. He never leaves you. He never tires. He is God Himself, perfect in every way, who unites you to Jesus Christ and strengthens you every moment. Think of how thrilling it would be to have Jesus with you always today (although I’m not sure what your coworkers would think!). Christian, you have God with you everywhere you go today! Delight in the love of Jesus Christ today, rejoicing all the day long that He ascended into heaven that God would send to you the gift of the Holy Spirit.
In Christ,
Pastor Yonkman