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  • Writer's pictureTravis Yonkman

Christian Hope

Romans 8:24-25

“In this hope we were saved. Now hope that is seen is not hope. For who hopes for what he sees? But if we hope for what we do not see, we wait for it with patience.”


Christian hope is the knowledge that God will bring to pass all He has promised. Christian hope is not what some people call ‘blind faith,’ which is a belief that has no rational foundation. Christian hope is knowledge of that which will come to pass. We are simply waiting for it to happen.

How can we know what God will do in the future? We know because of who God is and what He has done. God is eternal, almighty, and all-knowing. He has sent His Son Jesus Christ into the world to die for the sins of His people and rise again. The finished work of Jesus is not something that we hope happened. It is knowledge. I would not say, “I hope that George Washington lived.” He did live. That is knowledge. Christian hope is knowledge of what will come to pass that is based on knowledge of what God has done. He has created the world from nothing. He has sent prophets and claimed His people. He has sent His beloved Son to die for our sins and give us His righteousness. He has conquered death and ascended into heaven. He has fulfilled every prophecy. He has sent the Holy Spirit. The only thing remaining is for Him to return.

Christian, remember this morning that God has already done everything He has promised. There remains just one major event in redemptive history. God will keep that promise. Look to His return with great joy, knowing that your hope in Christ will be fulfilled.

In Christ,

Pastor Yonkman

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