Matthew 17:17-20
“So, every healthy tree bears good fruit, but the diseased tree bears bad fruit. A healthy tree cannot bear bad fruit, nor can a diseased tree bear good fruit. Every tree that does not bear good fruit is cut down and thrown into the fire. Thus you will recognize them by their fruits.”
Christians bear fruit. It is just what they do. The word “fruit,” when used in this way in the Bible, describes good works that are pleasing unto God. You do not bear good fruit after you die and go to heaven. Christians bear good fruit in their lives. That means that you, Christian, are able to bear good fruit today! Instead of fretting and worrying about that idea, stressing about how to produce good fruit, just rejoice! Christian, by grace through faith in Jesus Christ you have peace with God! You are going to heaven! In the meantime, isn’t it wonderful to know that God, through His Holy Spirit in you, wants to and is able to use you personally to glorify Him and help others in this life? Isn’t it wonderful that God, who can do all He desires, chose to use you to produce good fruit to do beautiful things in this world for the glory of God? Rejoice in these truths! Thank Him for the Holy Spirit! Thank Him that, although you once were dead in your sin, you are now alive in Him and filled with so much life that He causes you to bear good fruit today for His glory.
In Christ,
Pastor Yonkman