Isaiah 39:7 & 40:1
“Some of your own sons…shall be taken away…Comfort, comfort my people, says your God.”
So many people at Christmas only want to pay attention to Is. 40:1. I understand that. It is a message that proclaims comfort. Who doesn’t want comfort? But just two verses earlier God proclaimed utter destruction for the Jews. Why would He promise them blessing just two verses later in Is. 40:1? What you see as you contrast these verses is that the Jews did not deserve God’s blessing but He gave it anyways, freely, out of His grace.
If you are going to fully appreciate all of the joy of Christmas, then you need to understand all of what Jesus has done. Christmas is more than gifts, cookies, and lights – it is God keeping His promise to remove your guilt and offer you perfect comfort by taking on Himself the infinite humiliation of becoming human and the pain of suffering for your guilt.
In Christ,
Pastor Yonkman