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Writer's pictureTravis Yonkman

Advent - Christmas Drawing Near

Luke 1:13

“But the angel said to him, "Do not be afraid, Zechariah, for your prayer has been heard, and your wife Elizabeth will bear you a son, and you shall call his name John.”


God paved the way to Christmas with miracles. His prophets prophesied His coming. God sent an angel. God made a man mute. God allowed a woman who could not bear children to bear a child! He is shouting to you saying, “Hey, listen, look at what I’m doing! Don’t miss it!”

All these miraculous things God did just for the forerunner of Jesus, for John the Baptist! God certainly did all of these things to show how very important John the Baptist was, but compared to the Son, compared to the one whom John the Baptist would herald, even John’s miraculous life was nothing in comparison. That is what this story points towards – it points towards the one who would ultimately offer peace to you through Christmas and Easter: not just peace on earth for a short Christmas season but peace forever with God in His kingdom!

In Christ,

Pastor Yonkman

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