1 Corinthians 6:11
“You were washed, you were sanctified, you were justified in the name of the Lord Jesus Christ and by the Spirit of our God.”
There is only one Name that you can claim to make you righteous before God.
It is not your own name. Yours is fraught with imperfection and guilt.
It is not Buddha. It is not Muhammad. It is not Shiva, Vishnu, or Brahma. All of these supposed gods or leaders do nothing to make you righteous. Just the opposite: they stand aside and say to you, “Make yourself righteous!”
The only Name that you can claim to make you righteous is the name of the Lord Jesus Christ. Trusting in His Name and His Name alone will cause you to be justified by God. Only by clinging to the Name of Jesus can your sins be forgiven as Jesus takes them upon Himself. Only by holding fast in faith to His Name can you be counted righteous as Jesus gives to you His own righteousness, which is perfect. No one else can make you that same offer. No one else can remove all of your guilt and give to you perfect righteousness.
Praise the Lord that He has made you the offer! Take it! Take hold of justification by grace through faith in Christ and rejoice this day that you are justified completely and forever by the finished work of the very Son of God become Man: The Lord Jesus Christ.
In Christ,
Pastor Yonkman